Paul's Prayer that They Might Have Understanding, and Strength (Colossians 1:9).

Once Paul had learned of their response to Christ he and his fellow-workers had begun to pray for them constantly. Their first prayer was that they might have spiritual wisdom and understanding in the knowledge of His will. This is the most important thing for us all, true knowledge and understanding, and it leads on to what follows. Then they prayed that they may walk in accordance with that wisdom and understanding (Colossians 1:10). For such wisdom and understanding, if genuine, will produce ‘the fear of the Lord' and departure from evil (Job 28:28). And then they prayed that they might have the strength imparted to enable them to do it (Job 28:11), for without that God given strength all would be impossible. And finally they prayed that they might appreciate the power and glory through which this has become possible, our redemption in Christ (Job 28:12).

The liturgical nature of some of what follows may suggest that they result from creeds and prayers put together by Paul and the other Apostles to assist in the church's worship, resembling similarly constructed liturgies found in synagogue worship. As Christ had taught them to pray and worship, so they would teach others.

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