‘That we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men in craftiness after the wiles of error.'

The result of being full grown in this way will be freedom from being led astray by false teaching because we are no longer children. The picture of children in understanding as being like leaves blown around by different winds of doctrine is vivid. Is this wind ‘the power of the air'? It is tempting to think so. Certainly it is the work of the Prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2). And he is working through clever men who like conjurors deceive the mind and lead into error. Behind the words is a warning against such people. And a warning not to be too easily swayed by clever preachers. Those who seek every new thing will soon be caught up in the wiles of error.

‘Carried about.' Peripheromai - ‘to carry about, carry here and there.'

‘By the sleight of men.' Kubeia - ‘dice playing', therefore by the clever movements of men's hands.

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