‘And Moses came and told the people all the words of Yahweh and all the judgments, and all the people answered with one voice and said, “All the words which Yahweh has spoken we will do.”

Moses called the people together for the explanation of the treaty. He declared to them Yahweh's offer and detailed Yahweh's requirements as contained in Exodus 20-23. Then the people ‘with one voice' declared their acceptance. The words appear to be in accepted phraseology (compare Exodus 19:8). It was unanimous.

“All the words of Yahweh.” These are described mainly in Exodus 20:1 with a codicil in Exodus 20:22.

“And all the judgments.” These are described in Exodus 21:1 to Exodus 23:19. They are then followed by the reconfirmation of what Yahweh will do for His people (Exodus 23:20).

“And all the people answered with one voice.” This was their confirmation that as one people they were willing to enter into the covenant.

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