“I caused you to multiply (literally ‘made you a myriad') as the bud of the field, and you increased and flourished (‘waxed great') and you attained to exceptional ornament (‘ornament of ornaments'). Your breasts were fashioned and your hair was grown. Yet you were naked and bare.”

The vivid pictures are striking. They flourished like buds of the field springing up all over the ground, and growing into full flower, attaining to full beauty (excellent ornament). Lack of ornaments was seen as a sign of mourning and sorrow and unacceptability (Exodus 33:4). Their ‘ornaments' are then described, fully fashioned breasts and long and luxurious hair. These were indeed the ‘ornament of ornaments' for a woman. The pictures have in mind that He is speaking to a whole people so that the description takes this into account. The whole people flourished as one.

Some would change the text to read, ‘you came to the time of menstruation' (requiring a slight change in the Hebrew text) but this is unnecessary, although the similarity to the word for menstruation may have been the reason for the words used.

‘Yet you were naked and bare.' Although they had received life and beauty there was still that which was lacking which God would now provide for them. The account is not intended to be fully realistic (even though grown she was still covered in blood - Ezekiel 16:9). It is poetry in prose. It is depicting her state as she was in herself and the total dependence of Israel on Yahweh for all that she had.

The idea of nakedness not only suggests need but also sinfulness. When Adam and Eve had sinned they ‘knew that they were naked' (Genesis 2:7; Genesis 2:10). They were exposed in all their sinfulness and weakness. Nakedness regularly pictures abject need and sinfulness (2 Chronicles 28:19; Isaiah 20:3; Lamentations 1:8; Ezekiel 23:29; Hosea 2:3; Micah 1:8; Nahum 3:5).

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