“And they will take up a lamentation for you, and say to you,

‘How you are destroyed from the seas, O inhabited one,

O city renowned,

Who was mighty in the seas,

She and her inhabitants,

Who caused their terror to be

On all who inhabited it.

Now the isles will tremble,

On the day of your fall,

Yes the isles that are in the sea,

Are dismayed at your passing.' ”

Tyre is portrayed as having been so powerful as a sea fortress, and through her ships at sea, that all others who sailed and inhabited the sea were afraid of her. Thus her fall makes them afraid too, for who can withstand One who could do this?

(We must remember that her name and her reputation probably far exceeded the reality, as her seamen sang her praises, with the usual exaggeration of seamen to credulous people who would never see the reality, and exalted her to the skies).

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