Chapter 10.

God's Will Was Always, Even From The Beginning, That Sin Would Be Dealt With Through The Offering of the Body of Jesus As The Perfect Sacrifice For The Perfecting Of Those Whom He Has Set Apart (Hebrews 10:1).

As we come to the close of this long section on Christ's High Priesthood it is now made clear that the death of Jesus on the cross had always been the will and purpose of God. All that had come before had merely foreshadowed it. But in the end that was all that they were, shadows. The reality had come when Jesus came to do His will, and in accordance with that will He offered Himself on our behalf. And through that one once-for-all offering He was able to ‘sanctify' us (make us ‘holy' in Christ as fully set apart to Him and covered by His righteousness), and thus present us as perfect before Him in the perfection of Christ. It is a once-for-all change of situation and position for those who are in Christ.

The argument follows a clear pattern. It begins with the inadequacy of the old covenant, under which repeated sacrifices were necessary (Hebrews 10:1). It then stresses that the one voluntary sacrifice of Christ, supersedes the repeated sacrifices (Hebrews 10:5), and that the one priesthood of Christ, supersedes the Levitical priesthood (Hebrews 10:11), and concludes with the full adequacy of the New Covenant, because no more sacrifice for sins is necessary (Hebrews 10:15).

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