“And I will sow her to me in the earth, and I will have mercy on her who had not obtained mercy, and I will say to those who were not my people, ‘You are my people,' and they will say, ‘You are my God'.”

And just as grain has been sown in the earth, so God will sow Israel in the earth. They will be sowed ‘to Him' and not to any other. They will be wholly His. They will be His people, betrothed to Him, and will be the objects of His full compassion and love. And as a result they will receive compassion and will again become His people.

Note how once again we have a recall of all three children, ‘Jezreel' because it is God Who will sow blessing; ‘not pitied' (Lo-ruhama) because the position will be reversed and she will now receive compassion;, and ‘not my people' (Lo-ammi) similarly because they will now become His people. The children here clearly represent Israel.

Again this found fulfilment in part in the inter-Testamental days when Israel returned to YHWH and responded to Him, receiving His blessing, experiencing His compassion, and becoming again His people. It found even greater fulfilment through our Lord Jesus Christ as the remnant of an Israel whose religion had become formal responded to Him and became in a new way His people, and in the fact that as the prophets had forecast, the Gentiles were brought into the new Israel and became His people (Romans 9:25; 1 Peter 2:9; 2 Corinthians 6:16). It will find its final fulfilment when the true Israel of all ages, both Old and New Testament ‘churches' (the totality of true believers), will experience the fullness of His blessing at His second coming, when they will fully experience His compassion, and will finally be His people for ever.

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