‘And YHWH said to me, “Go again, love a woman beloved of her friend, and an adulteress, even as YHWH loves the children of Israel, though they turn to other gods, and love cakes of raisins.”

There is no reason for thinking that this wife was Gomer, who may well by this time have been dead. Rather Hosea is to ‘love' a woman who is having an adulterous relationship with a friend. This is to be a picture of the fact that YHWH still loves adulterous Israel, even though she herself turns to other gods and ‘loves' cakes of raisins. In other words she hungers after the tasty food of those gods.

The wonder of God's love comes out in the contrast. Whereas Israel's love is satisfied with cakes of raisins, mere food to satisfy fleshly appetites, YHWH's love is constant, is of Israel herself, and is in spite of her preferring raisins to Him. He loves even those who do not reciprocate, and even those who insult Him, when they are His chosen.

The fact that Hosea is to take an adulteress to wife is surprising, but it should be noted that there is to be no question of sexual relations between them. Thus Hosea would not be involved in the adultery of which the woman was guilty. The marriage is to be symbolic rather than real. Note the lack of mention of her name, another indication of her depravity. She is not fit to be named.

The cakes of raisins compare with the bridal price paid for the wife. She seeks cakes of raisins which are connected with the worship of her false gods, but it is the provisions of YHWH (silver and barley) that are used to purchase her. It is evidence of His sacrificial love.

It is disputed as to whether ‘again' should be attached to ‘Go', or whether it should be attached to ‘said to me'. Either is possible although the word order may suggest the latter. If we read it with ‘said to me' it puts the emphasis on the fact that this is a new word from YHWH. If we attach it to ‘go' it is emphasising a further action of Hosea after the previous one. Neither requires connection of the woman with Gomer. It will be noted in this regard that Hosea never addresses Gomer directly, whereas he does address this woman directly.

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