‘Woe to them! for they have fled from me,

Destruction to them! for they have trespassed (rebelled) against me,

Though I would redeem them,

Yet they have spoken lies against me.'

YHWH now pronounces a lament over them. Woe is to come on them because they have fled from Him. Destruction is to come on them because they have rebelled against Him by trespassing against the covenant. Though He would willingly have redeemed them (delivered them from bondage at a cost - Exodus 20:2; Deuteronomy 7:8; Deuteronomy 9:26), or bought them back as His firstborn (Exodus 13:13; Leviticus 27:27; compare Exodus 4:22), as he had done from Egypt) He had not been able to do so because of their lies against Him. These lies included the false representations made about Him by making Him a part of the Bethel cult with its admixture of Baalism. They had lied about Him by representing Him as the equivalent of a nature God. They had also lied against Him when they made their (false) promises to Him at their feasts, and as a consequence of their false pretences in pretending to worship Him when what they were worshipping was an image of a bull, and when by their words and actions they had depicted Him as not being faithful, and when in their ritual they had professed faithfulness to Him. Indeed much of their syncretistic worship had been a lie from start to finish

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