‘And the sons of those who afflicted you,

Will come bending to you,

And all those who despised you,

Will bow themselves down at the soles of your feet,

And they will call you ‘the city of Yahweh',

The Zion of the holy One of Israel.'

Again we note that the subservience is due to what the city is in relation to Yahweh (but compare Isaiah 49:23 where the point is that those who had demanded their obeisance would now bow down to them. However, it is reasonable to assume that this is because of the status they will have as priests of Yahweh, see Isaiah 61:6). It is because it is the place where Yahweh is that they will bow down, so in reality it is before Yahweh that they will bow down in order to receive His verdict on them. The oppressors, those who have badly treated God's people, will find themselves called to account. But those who are there, who have borne their suffering because they were His people, will have the satisfaction of seeing their former oppressors having to submit to God, the Holy One, and having to yield before the heavenly existence of the people of God (compare Isaiah 45:23; Isaiah 49:23). All rebellion will be over and God will be all in all.

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