‘And nations will come to your light,

And kings to the brightness of your rising.'

The result of the coming of Yahweh's light in the child Who is to be born, and in the coming of the Servant of Isaiah 50:3; Isaiah 52:13 to Isaiah 53:12 (see Isaiah 42:6; Isaiah 49:6), and of the response of His people to Yahweh's Instruction coming through Him, is that nations will come to the light of Zion, and kings to the brightness of its rising. They will seek the Lord of Heaven. And they will find Him through His people who will be like the sun rising to dispel the darkness. This will result because they carry God's Instruction (Torah) to the world (Isaiah 2:2; Isaiah 59:21), and reveal it in their lives. Their light will shine before men who will see their good works (resulting from their true obedience to the Instruction), and glorify their Father Who is in heaven (Matthew 5:16).

‘Nations' and ‘kings' together represent both peoples and the authorities who are over them. This process of God's light shining on them began among the Jewish Dispersion as Gentiles sought light in the teaching of Israel and in the Scriptures. And it continued in the coming of Jesus Christ, in which it was fulfilled even more emphatically as nations and kings did respond to the word taken out, first by John, then by Jesus, and then by the Jewish Christian Apostles, (the Apostles saw themselves as the true Israel going out to the world from Jerusalem) so that John in Revelation could speak of redeemed kings bringing their glory into the new Jerusalem, a new Jerusalem founded on the Apostles, and with its gates named after the tribes of Israel, and with redeemed nations walking amidst its light (Revelation 21:24).

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