Chapter 61 The Anointed One.

The first question to be asked as we open this chapter is as to the identity of the Anointed One. Some consider it to be the prophet who wrote these words, but the precedent of the earlier part of the book points to this being another description of a coming great figure like the Servant in Isaiah 50:4. Compare also Isaiah 9:6; Isaiah 11:1; Isaiah 42:1; Isaiah 49:1. In both Isaiah 50:4 and Isaiah 49:1 the Servant speaks in the first person, speaking out of the blue as here, and in Isaiah 50:4; Isaiah 50:7; Isaiah 50:9 the same divine title as here is used, ‘the Lord Yahweh'. There is thus close connection with Isaiah 50:4. And this view is supported by the message that it contains, and the message which follows, which look forward, as the whole book has mainly done, to God's future activity in and on behalf of His people. This latter interpretation was accepted by Jesus Who applied these verses to Himself (Luke 4:16).

And the rise of the Anointed One will result in the restoration of God's people (Isaiah 61:4), and ministry to the nations by them (Isaiah 61:5), and in their permanent witness to God's blessings to them (Isaiah 61:9; Isaiah 61:11). And the chapter ends with the Anointed One clothed in salvation and righteousness so that He can dispense them to His seed.

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