Peter Pett's Commentary on the Bible
Isaiah 8 - Introduction
Chapter 8 Isaiah's Testimony.
In this chapter Isaiah writes a strange series of words on a large tablet for public display. The words were maher-shalal-hash-baz (‘haste the spoil, speed the prey'). It is a warning that the times of judgment that he has prophesied are speedily coming on Syria, Israel and Judah. Then a son is born to him and he is told to give him that name, because before the child has passed his tender years both Syria and Israel will have been despoiled and devastated.
He then warns of what is first coming on the land of the coming Immanuel, but promises that after coming judgment there will be final deliverance for God's people, and it will be because of Immanuel, because ‘God is with us'. Meanwhile he must withdraw from all political manoeuvring and write down and seal his testimony and establish the Law among his followers. For those who refuse that testimony and Law can only look forward to darkness. (This will be followed in chapter 9 by the promise of the coming of the expected King, of Immanuel).