‘Knowing that the proving of your faith works patient endurance,'

For this ‘testing' will prove the genuineness of their faith and confidence in Christ and make it strong and sure, and once they are confident that they can truly trust Christ in all circumstances, it will result in continuing patient endurance in the face of all that the future will hold. We learn to trust Him as we go along, and the more we trust Him the more He is able to ‘try' us so that we may grow more and more. The child who is protected from all that life deals out will never grow into an adult.

‘Knowing.' That is ‘coming to the knowledge of' the fact that once their faith is ‘proved' they will find rest and be able to continue on in further patient endurance (compare Hebrews 3-4).

‘Proving (dokimion).' Only found here in the New Testament and in 1 Peter 1:7. The idea is of something tested in the fire and coming out refined.

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