YHWH Firmly Guarantees That Not All Of The Seed Of Israel Will Be Cut Off (Jeremiah 31:37).

The suggestion that ‘not all the seed of Israel will be cut off' was an indication that some would be. And in the circumstances in which Jeremiah found himself that was a certainty. That was why such severe judgment had come on the two nations. It was because they had been cut off from God's mercy. Thus the expectation was of a portion of Israel who would continue before God. In the words of Jesus, ‘fear not, little flock, it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingly Rule' (Luke 12:32). Here was the ‘new nation' spoken of in Matthew 21:43. Its eventual fulfilment took place in the foundation and growth of the true congregation of believers in Jesus Christ.

Jeremiah 31:37

Thus says YHWH,

If heaven above can be measured,

And the foundations of the earth searched out beneath,

Then will I also cast off all the seed of Israel,

For all that they have done,

The word of YHWH.”

The likelihood of God failing in His promise to Jacob/Israel was as tiny as the likelihood that the Heavens could be measured, or the foundations of the earth searched out. Neither is remotely possible to man (even in this modern scientific generation we are still feeling our way at the edges). Until that has happened we can be sure that some of the seed of Israel (although not necessarily the outward nation of Israel) will continue. For while many would be cast off, not all would be so. That casting off was declared by Jesus when He spoke of the ‘true Vine (John 15:1), ‘My congregation (of Israel)' (Matthew 16:18) and a ‘new nation' (Matthew 21:43); and in His forecasting of God's judgment on the temple (Mark 13), and it was described by Paul in terms of the Israel within Israel (Romans 9:6), and the branches broken from the olive tree. But the physical seed continued in the Apostles and their followers, and hosts of converted Jewish Christians ‘world-wide', and the spiritual seed continues in all Who are His.

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