Their Certainty For The Future Lies In Their Knowing Him As The One Who Is The Way To The Father And Is The One Who Fully Reveals the Father (John 14:4).

Having made clear their final destiny Jesus now ensures that they recognise that their way of entry to the Father is through response to Him as the One Who alone truly reveals the Father in all His fullness. This is so to such an extent that to have seen Him is to have seen the Father. As John says in the Prologue, ‘No man has seen God at any time. The only true Son Who is in the bosom of the Father, He has made Him known' (John 1:18). Note that this ‘seeing' is emphasised in such a way as to take it beyond simply the idea of analogy. It is not that in Him they have had a glimpse of what the Father is like, or that they have seen something of the Father in His behaviour and teaching, but rather that  to have seen Him is actually to have seen the Father revealed.

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