Warnings of Coming Persecution (John 16:1).

These verses continue the theme of John 15:20. There He had spoken of coming persecution so that when it came they would not be caused to stumble, but would recognise that even this was of God. Now He spells out that persecution in more detail.

“But these things have I spoken to you so that when their hour is come you may remember them, how that I told you.”

And they will indeed need to remember His warnings, for often they will be baffled at the failure of men to see and understand, at the hardness of heart that prevents men responding, and at the fierceness of the wrath that is directed against them. And they will begin to question themselves, and God. This is a reminder to us that we too must not expect the Christian life to be easy and rosy. If men would not receive Christ, we should not be surprised if they will not hear us.

Note how Jesus recognises the doubts and fears that at some times in the futures will cloud their lives. But He emphasises to them that when they do they are to remember His words. We also may sometimes have doubts and fears, and at such times we too must turn to His word for the answers.

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