‘Jesus therefore, lifting up his eyes, and seeing that a huge crowd is coming to him, says to Philip, “How are we to buy bread that these may eat?” '

The ‘coming' must be seen as over a period of time. He had been with the crowds earlier (John 6:2), and now many of them were still following Him. But these were the more steadfast who had followed Him round the lake.

‘Lifting up his eyes.' We can compare a similar expression in John 4:35 ‘Lift up your eyes and look --'. Here Jesus lifts up His eyes and looks. Was He seeing further fields white for harvest s he looked at this crowd? We can hardly doubt it.

It would appear that He has now come down from the hills (John 6:3) as John 6:15 says ‘He withdrew again into the hills'. John is not trying to give a full account, but to present only the essential elements. The other Gospels tell us that He now spent some time with the crowds, teaching them throughout the day with the numbers still continuing to grow.

‘Says to Philip, “How are we to buy bread that these may eat?” ‘How' could mean either ‘with what resources' or ‘from what place'. Reading the different accounts it is clear that different disciples expressed their concern at the growing problem in different ways, but all had one concern, how were the crowds to get food? They were beginning to appreciate their responsibility for others. No account gives us the full story, for each draws attention to different aspects of the situation. John selects a comment Jesus made to Philip. ‘How are we to buy bread that these people may eat?'.

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