“Yes, and in your Law it is written that the witness of two men is true, I am he who bears witness of myself, and the Father who sent me bears witness of me.”

He then goes on to point out that the law of Moses says that the testimony of two men is true (Deuteronomy 17:6; Deuteronomy 19:15). Well, let them then consider this, He can give them two witnesses, Himself as the sent One, and His Father as the One Who sent Him, for He Himself bears testimony through His own works and words, and by the Spirit.

‘Your Law.' That is, the Law (the Torah) which they loved and on which they continually laid such emphasis and which was the very basis of their lives, the Law which they had multiplied by a multiplicity of regulations. There is the specific suggestion in the ‘your' that they have altered God's Law and replaced it with a Law of their own, making it far more onerous. It was no longer God's Law, but their Law. Yet even their own Law acknowledged that the witness of two men was true.

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