But Their Pathway Leads To Woe (Jude 1:11).

Jude now calls God's ‘woe' (compare Luke 6:24; Matthew 23:13; Isaiah 5:8) down on the ungodly persons and introduces three illustrations which he applies directly to them, describing the way that they were taking. This is in the form of a progression. First ‘the (wrong) way'. Then ‘the (more permanent) error'. Then the (final) ‘rebellion.' The level of their sin and their opposition to God gradually grows. There is also a progression in their action. First they ‘go' (in what they see as the way of freedom), then they ‘run riotously' (enjoying, as they think, riotous freedom), and then they ‘perish' (their freedom is gone). Their seeming increase in freedom thus leads to disaster. Let all then take heed.

Note how he uses the past tense indicating that their doom has already been determined in their association with their namesakes.

‘Woe to them! For they went in the way of Cain, and ran riotously in the error of Balaam for hire, and perished in the gainsaying of Korah.'

Jude pronounces a woe on them, because their way leads to disaster, as is demonstrated by what happened to their anti-types:

· ‘They went in the way of Cain.' Cain's was the way of disobedience and flouting God, and they will share in his punishment (Genesis 4).

· ‘They ran riotously in the error of Balaam for hire.' Balaam's error was to think that he could manipulate God in return for reward, an error in which he but made a fool of himself (Numbers 22-24). All knew what the end of Balaam was (Numbers 31:8; Joshua 13:22).

· ‘They perished in the gainsaying (rebellion) of Korah.' Korah's crime was to speak blasphemously because he thought that thereby he could exalt himself beyond his station spiritually, with the result that he perished dramatically (Numbers 16:1).

It will be noted how perfectly the anti-types fit those godless persons. Like Cain they have rebelled against God's ways and are already marked as under God's judgment. Like Balaam they have thought that they could manipulate God, they were greedy for money, and they are now learning their folly. Like Korah they think that they can rise above their station, but it will only result in their perishing. These are all sins that men commit today. And their end will be the same.

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