His Vivid Description Of Their Spiritual Bankruptcy (Jude 1:12).

Jude now vividly pictures their spiritual bankruptcy by means of vivid metaphors, and cites a well known prophecy from the Book of Enoch demonstrating the judgment that is coming on them. It should be noted, however, that he does not use any specific formula which would suggest that he saw the Book as Scripture. We can compare John 11:51 which demonstrates that any saying from an important religious person that contained truth could be seen as having been ‘prophesied'. Compare also Zacharias in Luke in Luke 1:67, although there it is connected directly with the Holy Spirit. Jude lived in the days when there were Christian and other prophets whose sayings were not all seen as Scripture, (they had to be ‘judged'), but could be cited when they could be seen as true to Scripture. Thus he simply parallels ‘Enoch' in a general way with these prophets, and selects out of his writings what is Scripturally true.

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