Look, here is my daughter, a maiden, and his concubine. I will bring them out now and you may humble them and do with them what seems good to you. But do not any such folly to this man.”

It may seem incomprehensible to us that he should offer his own daughter, presumably a virgin, to their evil lusts, but the man he was defending was holy to the Lord and enjoying his hospitality. Beside that the women came a very poor second.

It is significant that the concubine was also his guest, and as a wife would surely be seen as more important than the male servant. Yet he offered both women to them. This suggests that the laws of hospitality in Israel were primarily applicable to men, and only to women as companions of the men. He possibly had in mind that at least with the women it would be natural sex, (we note he did not offer the male servant), and he would not therefore share their guilt for sodomy. They would hopefully survive it as the man probably would not. That Lot offered to do the same with his daughters demonstrates the general attitude of people then in such matters (Genesis 19:8). This was a recognised solution in such circumstances. The men must be protected at all costs under the sacred laws of hospitality.

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