Judges 19:5 a

‘And it happened on the fourth day that they arose early in the morning, and he rose up to depart.' The necessary time for fulfilling all the formalities had now passed. Seemingly it was agreed that his wife should return with him. There was nothing to keep them further.

“That they arose early in the morning, and he rose up to depart.” They had a long journey ahead, so the Levite and his servant rose early to make final preparations for the journey. Then when the time came he stood up ready to depart.

Judges 19:5 b

‘And the damsel's father said to his son in law, “Comfort your heart with a morsel of bread, and afterwards you shall go your way.” '

The father was using delaying tactics. It may have been because he was genuinely pleased to have their company, or it may have been because he knew that his daughter was not too keen on setting out. But he was clearly reluctant to see them go. It may be that he hoped that the atmosphere in the home might re-cement the relationship between man and wife.

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