‘And others, trying him, sought of him a sign from heaven.'

Others challenged Him to prove His authenticity by performing some great sign. While one party were accusing Him of consorting with the Evil One, the others were doing the work of the Evil One by being used to renew his tempting of Jesus and by calling on Him to produce a great sign for the people (Luke 4:1). Even while they were criticising Jesus they were demonstrating who was their master (compare John 8:44). The Jews were famed as being always on the look out for signs (see Luke 11:29; Matthew 16:1; Mark 8:12; John 2:18; John 4:48; John 6:30; 1 Corinthians 1:22). This request for a sign connects with Luke 11:29 and supports the unity of the narrative.

So on the one hand were those who simply tried to dismiss Him as being in league with Satan, on the other were those who were more ready to believe if He did some great sign and were tempting Him to do something spectacular. Neither had regard for the miracles that He had done (which they admitted) or His casting out of evil spirits. But had He performed a sign it would not have resulted in any good. It would have been a seven day wonder, and then they would have wanted more. They really wanted continuous spectacular signs.

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