‘And he said to them, “Take careful note, and keep yourselves from all covetousness, for a man's life does not consist in the abundance of the things which he possesses.”

Then Jesus turned to His disciples, and to the crowd, and gave them a strong caution. They were to keep themselves from covetousness, from a desire for ‘things' and for wealth. For a man's life does not consist in the abundance of the things that he possesses. It consists rather in their attitude towards God. Let them then rather seek the Kingly Rule of God (Luke 12:31).

Here then He is stressing the choice between God and Mammon. For the majority of men Mammon was precisely what their lives consisted of, seeking wealth and power and status. But it was not to be so for those who followed Him. They were to have their eyes firmly fixed on the Kingly Rule of God, on the true riches, the heavenly riches, and on walking to please God (see Luke 12:31). They were to set their hearts on the inheritance of eternal life. Here was the continuation of the choices laid out before them in Luke 12:1. Let them not find themselves obsessed with paltry affairs like this man was. Let them rather be obsessed with the Kingly Rule of God over their lives. The great danger of the greed that can destroy a person's usefulness comes out regularly in Luke's Gospel (Luke 4:4; Luke 8:14; Luke 9:24; Luke 12:22; Luke 16:19; Luke 18:18)

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