“But seek you his Kingly Rule, and these things will be added to you.”

So what they should putting all their attention to is rather seeking the Kingly Rule of God. That should take up their full concentration. And then all the remainder will be added to them. Their attention should be on hearing Him and obeying Him, and doing His will. It is in the light of this that all that has gone before makes sense. It does not apply to the nations of the world. It applies only to those who are under His Kingly Rule.

It will be noted that this removes the need for us to pray for material things. As with our small children in our own families, we do not have to worry ourselves with such things. We may instead safely leave the provision of them with the Father, as our children leave them with us. We can then simply enjoy what we are given while busy about other things, more important things, the things of our Father. It is a confirmation that ‘give us today Tomorrow's bread' (Luke 11:3) had nothing to do with physical food, for that is something that those who believe will get without asking. (We can of course thank Him for His provision, but to pray for it would be unbelief). It refers rather to the bread that feeds our souls, the Bread of Life.

‘Seeking the Kingly Rule of God' could signify:

1). Seeking to advance the Kingly Rule of God over men's lives by all means possible.

2). Seeking the spiritual blessings of being within the Kingly Rule of God.

3). Submission to the Kingly Rule of God ourselves.

Luke 12:33 may suggest 2). But what has gone before must be seen as suggesting 1). Yet neither are possible without 3). We are surely therefore to see it as all three, for one is not possible without the other. Each suggests a different focus, which we should bear in mind when we pray the Lord's prayer which can cover all three, firstly submitting to the King, secondly looking out for the King's present work, and thirdly looking for the King's future blessing.

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