“The lord of that servant will come in a day when he does not expect, and in an hour when he does not know, and will cut him asunder, and appoint his portion with the unfaithful.”

But the slave is so foolish that he has forgotten that his lord might come at any time. And when suddenly his lord does come he is caught out with nowhere to hide. And his lord is so angry that he has him decapitated, and sends him to join the unbelieving. He has proved himself to be totally unworthy to even be in the household.

An alternative is that the verb ‘decapitated' be given a gentler meaning of being ‘separated off' from the other servants. His sentence may then be to be put in the dungeons or the equivalent along with other grossly unfaithful and rebellious slaves.

‘In a day -- in an hour.' These expressions are used fairly regularly in order to indicate the Lord's second coming, compare Mark 13:32; Matthew 25:13; Revelation 9:15.

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