“For the Son of man came to seek and to save that which was lost.”

And then He described Himself and His saving mission in terms of the parables of the shepherd and the woman with the lost coin in Luke 15:1, which in the Section chiasmus was in parallel with the verses that now follow. The emphasis on ‘saving' indicates an especial reference to the parable of the lost sheep. Jesus is present to deliver. So this section, which begins with the parables describing the search of God for the lost, is approaching its conclusion with an example of one who was sought and found.

Here we have a clear application to Himself of the title of Son of Man in terms of One Who saves. It was an indication that He was the Messiah of the end times. In Daniel 7:13 He does it by coming to the throne of God on behalf of a people who along with Him are being trodden down by the Beasts, and becoming their great Deliverer with power and authority over all things, for salvation is from the Lord. And here He does it, having come as the Great Deliverer, by seeking and saving the lost. We can compare the previous use of the title Son of Man as the One Who has authority on earth to forgive sins in Luke 5:24. As the Ruler of His people He has jurisdiction over them, and will search them out and save them.

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