‘And they said, “Lord, behold, here are two swords.” And he said to them, “It is enough.”

So at His words the blinkered, and no doubt puzzled, disciples, wondering why He had become so suddenly concerned about weapons, assured Him that they already had two swords, confident that that should be sufficient to deal with any passing footpads. They could not grasp what He was worried about and saw any danger that might threaten them as being fairly innocuous. For it is clear from their comment that they had not taken it as a suggestion that they needed to get ready to establish God's Kingly Rule by force. For even they would have recognised that that would have required more than two swords.

So Jesus, saddened by their inability to understand, and to appreciate the true situation, replied, ‘That is enough'. He was not saying that that was enough swords. Rather it was now clear to Him that they did not, and would not, comprehend what was happening, and that in the little time remaining there was no way in which He could shake them out of their apathy. He realised that any further attempts to awaken them could only end in failure. So He acknowledged to Himself that He would have to leave them in His Father's hands, and Himself pray for them that their faith might not fail, and then let the question drop.

‘It is enough.' Enough has been said, He is saying. Now let us forget the matter. In other words He was resigned to their lack of response. Later when an attempt will be made to use their swords Jesus will actually tell them to desist, which demonstrates that His real intention was that His words should be interpreted spiritually. For as the future would demonstrate the battle that was to be fought would be fought with other swords than this, with swords provided by God such as the Sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17; Hebrews 4:12; Revelation 1:16; Revelation 2:12; Revelation 2:16; Revelation 19:15; Revelation 19:21).

Others see ‘it is enough' as indicating that two swords were enough because, recognising their failure to understand His point, He did not want to discuss the matter any more.

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