‘And he was parted from them about a stone's throw, and he kneeled down and prayed,'

Then He left them, (again exhorting them to prayer as we learn from Mark 14:34) and moved a short distance from them and Himself kneeled in prayer. As it was customary for Jewish men to pray standing, this attitude of prayer indicated the weight of the burden on Jesus' heart. Elsewhere such praying on the knees takes place at times of great emotion (Acts 7:60; Acts 9:40; Acts 20:36; Acts 21:5). Here then too was evidence of the urgency of the hour and of His willing and dedicated submission.

While some have read into the verb a certain urgency, it can simply refer to being separated from someone. The point is that He wanted to be alone, while at the same time enjoying (He hoped) the support of His disciples.

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