s Can the blind guide the blind? (Luke 6:39 a).

t Shall they not both fall into a pit? (Luke 6:39 b).

u The disciple is not above his teacher (Luke 6:40 a),

v But every one, when he is perfected, shall be as his teacher (Luke 6:40 b).

“Can the blind guide the blind?

Shall they not both fall into a pit?

The disciple is not above his teacher,

But every one when he is perfected shall be as his teacher.”

The first need is to ensure that we do not follow a spiritually blind teacher, for if we are led by someone spiritually blind, we too will be spiritually blind, (we will be what they are), and both will therefore fall into a ditch. There was a warning here against the Jewish leadership and the belligerent Rabbis and Pharisees that followed Jesus around, checking on Him and constantly criticising, and indeed anyone who taught contrary to what Jesus taught (compare Matthew 15:14; Matthew 23:24; Matthew 23:26). He is warning that the teaching and example of such teachers was not to be heeded. It included any who taught falsely. We must beware whom we have teaching us, for we must remember that we will become like our teachers.

Having the right teacher is important because it is the teacher who is in charge and is in control of what we learn (more so when no libraries were available). The consequence is that when we reach maturity we will have become like our teachers, and if our teachers are faulty, we shall be so as well. He could have said, ‘Beware who you hear' (compare Luke 8:18; Luke 12:1; Mark 4:24; Matthew 7:15).

Underlying this is the thought of being obedient to the Teacher. The disciple is no more above his teacher than a servant is above his master (Matthew 10:24; John 13:16; John 15:20). Thus the importance of submitting to the right teacher.

The implication here, of course, was that He was their Teacher, and that they should listen to His teaching and that of the newly appointed Apostles and continue on as His disciples. Then they would be led through to mature truth. A Reminder That Love Must Result In Honesty When Judging (Luke 6:41).

He has previously warned against judging censoriously, or without proper regard for the facts. Now He relaxes that a little in cases where the intention is genuinely to do others good. But warns firstly against doing it hypocritically.

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