The Arrest of Jesus (14:43-52).

Many hours have now passed since sunset. The Passover meal had been eaten, the discourses in John 14-16 had been given, the walk to the Garden had taken place followed by well over an hour of prayer, possibly even two to three hours. And on the other side, Judas had left after the Passover meal, and during those hours had gone to the conspirators who themselves probably had to leave their Passover meals in a hurry, had to alert their guards and call on the prearranged official party of Roman soldiers and then make their way to the Garden. And he had waited impatiently, wishing that everything was over. And now the two groups have converged together.


a And immediately, while He yet spoke, comes Judas, one of the twelve (Mark 14:43 a).

b And with him a host with swords and staves, from the chief priests and the scribes and the elders (Mark 14:43 b)

c Now he who betrayed Him had given them an agreed signal saying, “Whoever I will kiss, that is He. Take Him and lead Him away safely.” And when he was come immediately he came to Him and says, “Rabbi!”. And firmly kissed him (Mark 14:44).

d And they laid hands on Him and took Him (Mark 14:46).

c And a certain one of those who stood by drew his sword and smote the high priest's bondservant and struck off his ear (Mark 14:47).

b And Jesus answered and said to them, “Are you come out as against a brigand, with swords and staves, to seize me? I was with you daily in the Temple teaching and you did not arrest me. But this is done that the Scriptures might be fulfilled” (Mark 14:48).

a And they all left Him and fled. And a certain young man followed with Him, having a linen cloak thrown about him over his naked body, and they laid hold on him, but he left the linen cloak and fled naked (Mark 14:50).

Note that in ‘a' Judas, one of the twelve, came in his act of betrayal, and in the parallel the remainder of the twelve fled, in their act of betrayal. In ‘b' they came with swords and staves, and in the parallel Jesus asks why they have come with swords and staves. In ‘c' we have the firm reaction of Judas, and in the parallel the firm reaction of another of Jesus' disciples. Centrally in ‘d' the final sacrilege, they laid hands on Him and took Him.

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