‘And he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you whole. Go in peace and be whole from your curse”.'

But Jesus was not angry. He wanted to help her. He did not want to leave her with some superstitious beliefs about His clothing. He wanted her to know that she had been healed, not just because of power leaving Him but because her faith had reached out to God through Him. Many would touch Him and it would make no difference. What made the difference was the heart reaching out in faith to God and to Him. And He wanted her to know it. It is important that we realise when God is at work.

He also wanted the world to know openly that she was now clean. That they need avoid her no more.

‘Daughter.' A sign that He was not angry. She would recognise the tenderness in the word.

‘Go in peace.' A recognised way of giving assurance (e.g. Exo 4:18; 1 Samuel 1:17; 1 Samuel 29:7; 2 Samuel 15:9; Luke 7:50; Acts 16:36).

‘Your faith has made you whole.' As she had reached out to God through Him in faith she had been made whole. He wanted her to know that He was not just like some relic that was seen as containing special superstitious powers. God had reached out to her personally through Him because her faith had reached out to Him. That is indeed how all men can be made whole. Then He assured her that her curse had been removed once for all. Once again Jesus has demonstrated that He has power to cleanse the ‘unclean' without Himself being rendered unclean (compare on Mark 1:42). He is the Holy One of God.

So in this woman we have a picture of God's people, rendered unclean because of their sins (‘we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy (menstrual) rags' - Isaiah 64:6), but now in a position to be made clean if they will reach out to Jesus. Like the woman in Ezekiel 16 cleansing and restoration is available for all if like the woman with the flow of blood they will only reach out to Him.

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