‘But he, having put them all out, takes the father of the child, and her mother, and those who were with him, and goes in where the child was. And taking the child by the hand he says to her “Talitha cumi”, which is being interpreted, ‘Young woman, I say to you, arise'. And immediately the young woman rose up and walked, for she was twelve years old.'

Jesus knew that He was about to perform what would seem to others as the miracle of miracles. He did not want witnesses who would spread the news like wildfire. So He only allowed into the bedroom the parents and His three disciples.

Then He took the child by the hand and called on her to arise. And she arose and walked. So easily under His hand do the dead come to life again. The description is very similar to the healing of Peter's mother-in-law (Mark 1:31). Healing the sick and raising the dead were all one to Him. But there can be no question how Mark sees this, and indeed also Peter who was there. Jesus has revealed Himself as the Lord of life. The dead had risen!

Furthermore we should recognise that this was not an isolated incident He also raised the widow's son at Nain (Luke 7:11) and both Matthew 11:4 and Luke 7:22 mention Him as raising the dead generally, to say nothing of the raising of Lazarus (John 11). But the taking apart of the favoured three emphasises that in the case of Jairus' daughter a lesson was meant to be learned, perhaps as a preparation for them to believe in His own resurrection.

‘Talitha coumi'. The manuscripts differ slightly (some have ‘coum') but the meaning is clear. Mark regularly cites Aramaic words (Mark 3:17; Mark 7:11; Mark 7:34; Mark 11:9 following; Mark 14:36; Mark 15:22; Mark 15:34) and only on one other occasion is it connected with a miracle (Mark 7:34). Clearly the source liked to remember Jesus' exact words so as to emphasise the vividness of the scene, and was there in the room.

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