‘And they ate and were filled, and they took up of broken pieces that remained over, seven baskets. And they were about four thousand, and he sent them away.'

How remarkable an event is summed up in such few words. Firstly they ate and were filled. What Jesus was offering of Himself as symbolised in the bread was fully satisfying. Then having partaken of the sevenfold loaves, symbolising the perfect and sufficient provision of God, there is perfection and sufficiency remaining, seven baskets. Both accounts stress the broken pieces. It was only as Jesus was broken for His own that future provision was made for them.

‘Seven baskets.' These were large mat baskets as used universally.

‘And they were about four thousand.' Four times a thousand, representative of the whole world.

‘And He sent them away.' No fear of an uprising here. No one wanted to make Him a king. They were satisfied with what they had received.

We should, however, recognise the significance of what He had done. He had revealed that as the Messiah He had come to meet the needs of the whole world, and to invite them to His Father's Table. All could now partake in His deliverance.

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