‘So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations; and from David to the carrying away to Babylon fourteen generations; and from the carrying away to Babylon to the Christ fourteen generations.'

The pattern of ‘fourteen', deliberately brought about by omitting names, is now emphasised. The idea is probably of ‘seven intensified', indicating here divine perfection (compare the ‘fourteen' made up of two seven year periods in Genesis 31:41). The further threefoldness would then indicate further perfection. The idea of six sevens (three fourteens) may be intended to indicate that they are followed by a seventh seven, either the tumultuous ‘seven' which is to sum up the period leading up to the end (Daniel 9:27), or a seven which expresses the ultimate perfection of the Messianic age, as summed up in the Messiah (note the sevenfold attributes of the coming King in Isaiah 11:2). Note here that the carrying away into Babylon is now emphasised along with Abraham and David. It is to have a significant part to play in what follows.

Others have seen in the fourteen either a reference to ‘David', for the letters of his name in gematria (dwd = 4 + 6 + 4) add up to fourteen, or as being patterned on the number of high priests from Aaron to the establishment of the Temple (Aaron to Azariah - 1 Chronicles 6:6), followed by the fourteen named priests, leading up to Jaddua (1 Chronicles 6:11; Nehemiah 12:10), the last high priest mentioned in the Old Testament. In either case the significance would still be of the divine perfection of the number. Thus the explanation in terms of ‘seven intensified' multiplied three times is the more likely emphasis. It would be seen as indicating the divine perfection of God's working. Such numbers were regularly seen as having an emphatic significance.

The device of splitting the genealogy by the means of mentioning important happenings in Israel's history is paralleled in 1 Chronicles 6:6, and is as old as the ancient Sumerian king lists.

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