Meanwhile Israel Are To Ensure That Just As Each Nation Walks In The Way Of Its God, So They Walk In The Name Of YHWH Their God Unceasingly (Micah 4:5).

Micah recognises that if the glorious future just described is to come about it is vital that God's people continue faithful to YHWH. And so he firmly now says to his people, and on behalf of his people, that they will be faithful to YHWH.

Micah 4:5

“For all the peoples walk every one in the name of his god; and we will walk in the name of YHWH our God for ever and ever.”

Drawing a comparison with the nations who faithfully follow their own gods, and using them as an example, he now calls on Israel to do the same, and walk in the Name of YHWH their God for ever. Let not those who serve the Living God fail to walk in His Name for ever. There is, however, a distinction in the fact that the gods of the nations can do nothing to help the people in their walk. But YHWH our God is the One Who is there to assist us in our walk and to give His strength and enabling. Compare Isaiah 40:11; Isaiah 40:31; Isaiah 43:2. Standards had undoubtedly slipped in Jerusalem as we have seen, but the prophet is certain that in the end God's people will be faithful to Him, and by these words he is urging them to be so, and to rely in His strength in doing so.

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