The Intermediate Cycles (Nehemiah 9:28).

Nehemiah 9:28

“But after they had rest, they did evil again before you; therefore you left them in the hand of their enemies, so that they had the dominion over them. Yet when they returned, and cried to you, you heard from heaven; and many times you delivered them according to your mercies,”

They acknowledged before God how this had happened again and again. Note that these cycles occurred ‘many times'. Because of God's previous deliverance the people had ‘had rest' (see Judges 3:11; Judges 3:30; and often). But then they again did evil before God, and as a consequence He gave them over to the dominion of their enemies. Then they returned and cried to God. Then He heard from heaven and many times delivered them because He is a merciful God. The repetition of the cycles is intended to bring out how regularly this all happened. They were acknowledging before God that Israel's was a history of repeated rebellion.

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