The Ark of the Covenant of Yahweh Leads The Way (Numbers 10:33).

Ahead of the fighting contingents went the Ark of the Covenant of Yahweh. It was a regular feature of nations going forth to war that they were led by a sacred symbol, and nothing was more sacred than the Ark. This was why its blue cloth was on the outside rather than its dolphin skins, so that all might be aware of the heavenly nature of what lay beneath (Numbers 4:6).

This connection of the Ark with battle comes out a number of times. The Ark led the way over Jordan and against Jericho (Joshua 3:3; Joshua 3:11); it was brought to Bethel when the tribes united against Benjamin (Judges 20:27); it went into battle against the Philistines who had clearly heard of it (1 Samuel 4:3). There was even a battle song, incorporated in a Psalm, connected with it (Numbers 10:35; Psalms 68:1).

Again we have the chiastic structure which predominates in this book.

a They went forward to seek out a ‘resting place' (Numbers 10:33).

b The cloud ‘was over them' them when they set forward (Numbers 10:34).

b Yahweh was ‘to rise up' and scatter their enemies when they set forward (Numbers 10:35).

a Yahweh was to return to His Dwellingplace when the Ark ‘rested' (Numbers 10:36).

Numbers 10:33

‘And they set forward from the mount of Yahweh three days' journey, and the ark of the covenant of Yahweh went before them three days' journey, to seek out a resting-place for them.'

Their first stage was on a ‘three day journey'. This was a standard term signifying a journey of one and a half days to about four days (consider Genesis where all journeys except those completed in a day were either for ‘three' or ‘seven' days, a short or a longer journey. Part days were counted as days. Consider also the use of the standardised ‘three days', an indefinite short time period, in Joshua 1:11; Joshua 2:22; Joshua 3:2). The Ark went before them, and the cloud hovered above them. They were seeking out a resting place (menuwchah from the root nwch) for them. There is no reason for suggesting that the Ark was three days ahead of the people. It simply means that on the three day journey the Ark went ahead of them for the whole three days.

Numbers 10:34

‘And the cloud of Yahweh was over them by day, when they set forward from the camp.'

And continually above was the protecting and guiding cloud. The presence of Yahweh on the journey was being made very clear.

Numbers 10:35

‘And it came about, when the ark set forward, that Moses said, “Rise up, O Yahweh, and let your enemies be scattered, and let those who hate you flee before you.'

For this battle song compare Psalms 68:1. Yahweh had risen up and left His dwellingplace in order to go before them and scatter their enemies. Those who hated Him would flee before Him. This song would be sung whenever the Ark set forward. Its declaration by Moses would encourage and give heart to the people.

Numbers 10:36

‘And when it rested, he said, “Return, O Yahweh, to the ten thousands of the thousands of Israel.'

But when the Ark came to its rest (nuwach, from the root nwch) and returned to its dwellingplace the song was, ‘return, O Yahweh, to the ‘multitudes of families' (ribboth 'elephe) of Israel'. Once more He dwelt among them at peace.

In the Hebrew text Numbers 10:35 are seemingly both followed by inverted nuns (Hebrew n) of which we do not know the significance (compare also Psalms 107:23; Psalms 107:40 where a similar phenomenon occurs seven times).

As we too journey forward towards the heavenly Kingdom, we can rest assured that unseen the cloud hovers over us and the Ark goes before us. If we are His we are never out of God's eye.

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