The Second Attempt To Influence Yahweh (Numbers 23:13).

Numbers 23:13

‘And Balak said to him, “Come, I pray you, with me to another place, from where you may see them. You shall see but the utmost part of them, and shall not see them all. And curse me them from there.” '

It is interesting to note that Balak reluctantly accepted the explanation and decided that this particular height clearly brought them in contact with ‘gods' not favourable to their cause. These were ‘the heights of Baal'. Clearly Baal was in league with Yahweh. The solution must therefore be to try another place. Perhaps on a new mountain the gods there could be persuaded to call on Yahweh to act in his favour. We see from this something of the beliefs of people outside Israel, and the uniqueness of Israel's religion.

“You shall see but the utmost part of them, and shall not see them all.” The impression being given is that their numbers were so large that wherever they stood they could not all be seen at once.

Numbers 23:14

‘And he took him to the field of Zophim (the watchers), to the top of the Pisgah, and built seven altars, and offered up an ox bull and a ram on every altar.'

This time Balak took Balaam to the field of Zophim, to the top of the Pisgah. There again they went through the motions of Balaam's usual approach to his control. Zophim means ‘the watchers'. The previous site was the ‘heights of Baal'. The names may therefore link with particular deities seen as connected with particular Moabite holy places.

Numbers 23:15

‘And he said to Balak, “Stand here by your whole burnt offering, while I meet yonder.” '

Once again Balaam told Balak to stand by his offering. This was important so that the ‘gods' would know to whom they owed this offering that they had received, and might be persuaded by it. It was a considerable offering. Then he went to ‘meet' whoever would appear.

Numbers 23:16

‘And Yahweh met Balaam, and put a word in his mouth, and said, “Return to Balak, and thus shall you speak.” '

Once again Balaam sought his ‘control', and once again Yahweh met with him and put His word in Balaam's mouth (either through Balaam's control, or more probably directly). He was to go back with it to Balak.

Numbers 23:17

‘And he came to him, and, lo, he was standing by his whole burnt offering, and the princes of Moab with him. And Balak said to him, “What has Yahweh spoken?” '

Then Balaam returned to where Balak was, obediently standing by his offering with his chieftains. They were agog to know what, message he had received, what Yahweh had spoken. They were hopeful that this time it would be satisfactory, and that Yahweh had been turned against His people. After all he had offered fourteen ox bulls.

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