Balaam Looks On and Prophesies Concerning the Wandering Kenites (Numbers 24:21).

Numbers 24:21 a

‘And he looked on the Kenite, and took up his oracle, and said,'

In the same way as with the Amalekites we may see that a group of Kenites were present, connected with the Midianites to whom they were related (see Numbers 10:29 with Judges 1:16; Judges 4:11) and with Moab. The Kenites were metal smiths and tended to move around in small groups. Compare the ones who accompanied Israel (Judges 1:16; Judges 4:11), and those who had an agreement with Sisera (Judges 4:11). By uniting with Moab against Israel they were bringing judgment on themselves.

Numbers 24:21 (21b-22)

“Strong is your dwelling-place,

And your nest is set in the rock.

Nevertheless Kain shall be wasted,

Until Asshur shall carry you away captive.”

This may refer to the safe situation that the Kenites had found for themselves in Moab. Or it may have in mind their wilderness dwelling-place in the Sinai area. Either way it stresses that their seeming security will not avail them in the day of trouble. They would find themselves beset by the tribe of Asshur, another brother tribe (see Genesis 25:3; Genesis 25:18; 2 Samuel 2:9; Psalms 83:8), and be wasted and finally taken as slaves.

So the combination of tribes related to Israel (of Moab, of the Midianites, of the Amalekites and of the Kenites), were all included in his prophecies as fated because of their behaviour towards Israel. The presence of a nucleus was sufficient to condemn even those not present, on the basis of tribal solidarity.

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