The Feast Of The Harvest Moon - Tabernacles (Numbers 29:12).

The climax of the festival year was the Feast of Tabernacles. It was at that feast that every seven years the whole of Israel were to gather for the reading of the full covenant (Deuteronomy 31:10). It was to include men, women, children and resident aliens. But every year it was to be special. The multiplicity of offerings including seventy young ox bulls, fourteen rams and ninety eight (seven times seven times 2) he-lambs brings this out. It was to be the climax to the agricultural year. All the harvests would have been gathered in, and the next thing would be the ploughing and preparation of the ground once the rains came.

Thus it was a time for relaxation and rejoicing (Leviticus 23:40; Deuteronomy 16:13)). But again the emphasis here is on the depth of dedication and tribute.

The gradual decrease of ox bulls from thirteen to seven might have been seen as a diminution in importance had it not ended on the sacred number seven, but as it did that makes it appear as though the sequence leads up to it! On the last of the seven days was the divinely perfect ox bull offering. (Incidentally this completely destroys any belief that the number thirteen was unlucky! Thirteen began the divine sequence).

It was called ‘Tabernacles' (dwellingplaces) because at that time every one had to live in booths made of boughs of trees and palm branches (Leviticus 23:42). This was to be a reminder of how Israel had had to live in booths once they left Egypt (Leviticus 23:43). Its recognition of rain as a gift from God is implied in Zechariah 14:16.

Each of the days of this Feast follow the same pattern as the other feasts, but with an increase in the offerings.

Day One.

a The fifteenth day of the seventh month to be a holy convocation with no manner of work and a feast to be kept for seven days (Numbers 29:12).

b Whole burnt offerings to be offered of thirteen young ox bulls and two rams and fourteen he-lambs to Yahweh as a pleasing odour (Numbers 29:13).

c The grain offerings to be offered with the whole burnt offerings (Numbers 29:14).

b A he-goat to be offered as a purification for sin offering (Numbers 29:16 a).

a This to be offered beside the continual whole burnt offering with its grain and drink offering (Numbers 29:16 b).

Day Two.

a On the second day (Numbers 29:17 a).

b Whole burnt offerings to be offered of twelve young ox bulls and two rams and fourteen he-lambs to Yahweh (Numbers 29:17 b).

c The grain offerings to be offered with the whole burnt offerings (Numbers 29:18).

b A he-goat to be offered as a purification for sin offering (Numbers 29:19 a).

a This to be offered beside the continual whole burnt offering with its grain and drink offering (Numbers 29:19 b).

Day Three.

a On the third day (Numbers 29:20 a).

b Whole burnt offerings of eleven young ox bulls and two rams and fourteen he-lambs to be offered to Yahweh (Numbers 29:20 b).

c The grain offerings to be offered with the whole burnt offerings (Numbers 29:21).

b A he-goat to be offered as a purification for sin offering (Numbers 29:22 a).

a This to be offered beside the continual whole burnt offering with its grain and drink offering (Numbers 29:22 b).

Day Four.

a On the fourth day (Numbers 29:23 a).

b Whole burnt offerings of ten young ox bulls and two rams and fourteen he-lambs to be offered to Yahweh (Numbers 29:23 b).

c The grain offerings to be offered with the whole burnt offerings (Numbers 29:24).

b A he-goat to be offered as a purification for sin offering (Numbers 29:25 a).

a This to be offered beside the continual whole burnt offering with its grain and drink offering (Numbers 29:25 b).

Day Five.

a On the fifth day (Numbers 29:26 a).

b Whole burnt offerings to be offered of nine young ox bulls and two rams and fourteen he-lambs to Yahweh (Numbers 29:26 b).

c The grain offerings to be offered with the whole burnt offerings (Numbers 29:27).

b A he-goat to be offered as a purification for sin offering (Numbers 29:28 a).

a This to be offered beside the continual whole burnt offering with its grain and drink offering (Numbers 29:28 b).

Day Six.

a On the sixth day (Numbers 29:29 a).

b Whole burnt offerings to be offered of eight young ox bulls and two rams and fourteen he-lambs to Yahweh (Numbers 29:29 b).

c The grain offerings to be offered with the whole burnt offerings (Numbers 29:30).

b A he-goat to be offered as a purification for sin offering (Numbers 29:31 a).

a This to be offered beside the continual whole burnt offering with its grain and drink offering (Numbers 29:31 b).

Day Seven.

a On the seventh day (Numbers 29:32 a).

b Whole burnt offerings to be offered of seven young ox bulls and two rams and fourteen he-lambs to Yahweh (Numbers 29:32 b).

c The grain offerings to be offered with the whole burnt offerings (Numbers 29:33).

b A he-goat to be offered as a purification for sin offering (Numbers 29:34 a).

a This to be offered beside the continual whole burnt offering with its grain and drink offering (Numbers 29:34 b).

Day Eight.

a On the eighth day, a solemn assembly, no servile work (Numbers 29:35)

b Whole burnt offerings to be offered of one young ox bull and one ram and seven he-lambs to Yahweh (Numbers 29:36).

c The grain offerings to be offered with the whole burnt offerings (Numbers 29:37).

b A he-goat to be offered as a purification for sin offering (Numbers 29:38 a).

a This to be offered beside the continual whole burnt offering with its grain and drink offering (Numbers 29:38 b).

The whole is then completed with a summary which may be paralleled with Numbers 28:1.

The First Day of the Feast of Tabernacles.

Numbers 29:12

‘And on the fifteenth day of the seventh month you shall have a holy convocation. You shall do no servile work, and you shall keep a feast to Yahweh seven days,'

On the first day, fourteen days after the new moon day, it was to be a solemn convocation, a day on which no servile work should be done, ready for keeping a feast to Yahweh for seven days (a divinely perfect time).

Numbers 29:13

‘And you shall offer a whole burnt offering, an offering made by fire, of a pleasing odour to Yahweh; thirteen young ox bulls, two rams, fourteen he-lambs a year old; they shall be without blemish; and their grain offering, milled grain mingled with oil, three tenth parts for every ox bull of the thirteen ox bulls, two tenth parts for each ram of the two rams, and a tenth part for every lamb of the fourteen lambs.'

And on that first day thirteen young ox bulls, two rams, and fourteen he-lambs a year old, all without blemish, were to be offered as whole burnt offerings with their smoke and pleasing odour going up to Yahweh together with their accompanying grain offerings.

Numbers 29:16

‘And one he-goat for a purification for sin offering, besides the continual whole burnt offering, its grain offering, and its drink offering.'

And as regularly on a feast day a he-goat for a purification for sin offering was also to be offered on behalf of the whole of Israel, as on the Day of Atonement. Each offering of such a he-goat looked off to that day and what was accomplished there, and brought up to date its effectiveness.

The same procedure would apply each day through the seven days, with the number of ox bulls offered falling by one until on the seventh day it had become ‘seven'. This sequence is now given.

The Following Six Days of the Feast (Numbers 29:17).

Numbers 29:17

‘And on the second day you shall offer twelve young ox bulls, two rams, fourteen he-lambs a year old without blemish; and their grain offering and their drink-offerings for the ox bulls, for the rams, and for the lambs, according to their number, after the ordinance; and one he-goat for a purification for sin offering; besides the continual whole burnt offering, and its grain offering, and their drink-offerings.'

Numbers 29:20

‘And on the third day eleven ox bulls, two rams, fourteen he-lambs a year old without blemish; and their grain offering and their drink-offerings for the ox bulls, for the rams, and for the lambs, according to their number, after the ordinance; and one he-goat for a purification for sin offering; besides the continual whole burnt offering, and its grain offering, and its drink-offering.'

Numbers 29:23

‘And on the fourth day ten ox bulls, two rams, fourteen he-lambs a year old without blemish; their grain offering and their drink-offerings for the ox bulls, for the rams, and for the lambs, according to their number, after the ordinance; and one he-goat for a purification for sin offering; besides the continual whole burnt offering, its grain offering, and its drink-offering.'

Numbers 29:26

‘And on the fifth day nine ox bulls, two rams, fourteen he-lambs a year old without blemish; and their grain offering and their drink-offerings for the ox bulls, for the rams, and for the lambs, according to their number, after the ordinance; and one he-goat for a purification for sin offering, besides the continual whole burnt offering, and its grain offering, and its drink-offering.'

Numbers 29:29

‘And on the sixth day eight ox bulls, two rams, fourteen he-lambs a year old without blemish; and their grain offering and their drink-offerings for the ox bulls, for the rams, and for the lambs, according to their number, after the ordinance; and one he-goat for a purification for sin offering; besides the continual whole burnt offering, its grain offering, and the its drink-offerings.'

Numbers 29:32

‘And on the seventh day seven ox bulls, two rams, fourteen he-lambs a year old without blemish; and their grain offering and their drink-offerings for the ox bulls, for the rams, and for the lambs, according to their number, after the ordinance; and one he-goat for a purification for sin offering; besides the continual whole burnt offering, its grain offering, and its drink-offering.'

Thus on the seventh day the ox bull offerings have reached the divinely perfect seven. This was where such a count had to stop. It was not possible to go beyond ‘seven'. It indicated divine perfection. Quantity has been replaced by quality. Now the feast could end, followed by a special day which was not part of the sequence.

The Eighth Day of the Feast (Numbers 29:35).

This was the end of the festal season. Ahead lay the coming of rain (possibly in October onwards for the early rains, softening up the ground, a sprinkling of rain through the winter, and around March/April for the later rains) and the hard work of preparing the ground for the following year's harvests. It is not therefore surprising that the feast later became a part plea for rain, and that the eighth day especially had that in mind and was called ‘the great day of the feast' (John 7:37).

Numbers 29:35

‘On the eighth day you shall have a solemn assembly: you shall do no servile work, but you shall offer a whole burnt offering, an offering made by fire, of a pleasing odour to Yahweh: one ox bull, one ram, seven he-lambs a year old without blemish; their grain offering and their drink-offerings for the ox bull, for the ram, and for the lambs, shall be according to their number, after the ordinance,'

Like the first day the eight day was to be a day of no servile work, the last of the seven special such days. It was to be a day of solemn assembly. The offerings on the eighth day parallel the offerings at the feast of trumpets and on the Day of Atonement. It was not therefore just a continuation on from the seventh day. The sudden fall in offerings (although still munificent) would remind them of the first ten days of the month when sin had been mourned for and atonement obtained. Now they could go forward ready for what lay ahead.

Numbers 29:38

‘And one he-goat for a purification for sin offering, besides the continual whole burnt offering, and its grain offering, and its drink-offering.'

As on all special days when the whole burnt offerings were offered there was a purification for sin offering of a he-goat. Sin was always present and required to be forgiven and purified. Also was offered the continual whole burnt offering, and its grain offering, and its drink-offering, which would go on throughout the year (as would the new moon and Sabbath offerings).

This description of the dedication and tribute offerings at the feasts, deliberately ignoring all other offerings and sacrifices apart from the accompanying purification for sin offerings and continual daily whole burnt offerings, is in order to stress the fullness of Israel's dedication to Yahweh at this point in time. It is because they are so dedicated that they are ready to enter the land.

Numbers 29:39

‘These you shall offer to Yahweh in your set feasts, besides your vows, and your freewill-offerings, for your whole burnt offerings, and for your grain offerings, and for your drink-offerings, and for your peace-offerings.'

Summing up the writer now points out that personal dedication offerings have not been mentioned. This was ‘besides your vows and your freewill offerings'. Those two types of dedication would have been common throughout the feasts, and on those freewill offerings much of the feasting would depend, for the large part of the meat from those offerings could be eaten by all who were clean. Mention is also made of all peace/wellbeing offerings, of which votary offerings and freewill offerings would be a part (see Leviticus 7:11). All backed up these special dedication offerings of the whole of Israel.

This therefore now leads on to the question of vows in the next chapter, for those were a necessary part of Israel's dedication. Such vows have already been touched on in terms of the Nazirite vows (Numbers 6:1). But there were also lesser vows, both in respect to wealth and in respect to personal living, and they too had to be controlled.

Numbers 29:40

‘And Moses told the children of Israel according to all that Yahweh commanded Moses.'

So Moses passed on Yahweh's words and informed them of all that He had commanded them.

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