‘I exhort Euodia, and I exhort Syntyche, to be of the same mind in the Lord.'

His love now spills over in his exhortation to two women who were clearly prominent in the church. In that area of the Empire women had a special prominence and held positions of leadership and authority. Thus in neighbouring Thessalonica there were ‘chief women' (Acts 17:4), while in Berea there were ‘honourable women' (Acts 17:12). Thus for these two women to be prominent in the church should come as no surprise in such an environment. Indeed wealthy and influential Christian women contributed much to the respectability and success of the church in the early days, often making available a large house at which the church could meet. Sadly, however, these two appear to have been causing a certain amount of friction (although not serious division), and so Paul calls on them to share the mind of the Lord, as in Philippians 2:5. Then they will be united in humility and love. Note how prominent ‘the Lord' is in the passage (Philippians 4:1; Philippians 4:4; Philippians 4:10). In the Old Testament ‘the Lord' was YHWH. In Empire worship ‘the Lord' was the divine Emperor. Its application to Jesus Christ without any accompanying explanatory phrase is therefore very significant. He is Lord over all. It confirms Him as the One to Whom every knee will bow, and of Whom every tongue will confess that He is the LORD YHWH (Philippians 2:10). It is a reminder that wherever we find Him called ‘Lord' it indicates both His total sovereignty and His divine nature. It is the New Testament (and Greek Old Testament) equivalent of YHWH.

The names Euodia and Syntyche are recognisable Greek names, but we know nothing about these two women except for the fact that they had laboured with Paul in the Gospel (Philippians 4:3), how we are not told. Possibly it was by using their influence to bring others to hear him when he was at Philippi, and by urging them to respond; possibly it was by helping to finance his work; or possibly it was by using their influence with the authorities. We can compare the influence of Lydia (Acts 16:1). His appeal to them is gently, but firmly, put, as became a friend. He, as it were, calls each of them to his side (parakaleo - to call alongside) in his earnest appeal to them, seeking to direct their minds firmly on the Lord so that they may be of one mind with Him (Philippians 2:5). The same call comes to us. There should be no conflict in the body of Christ.

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