‘In nothing be anxious, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.'

The third exhortation is that they should not be filled with anxiety about anything. That too would go with rejoicing in the Lord, and with the recognition that He was coming. Note the contrast, ‘in nothing be anxious -- in everything by prayer'. Thus freedom from anxiety was to be on the basis of dependence ‘God', that is on their Heavenly Father Who had promised to supply all their real needs (see Matthew 6:25; Matthew 6:31; Matthew 6:34). Notice also the threefold combination of ‘prayer (general prayer and worship), supplication (asking in respect, especially, of spiritual needs) and thanksgiving'. Worship and gratitude were not to be forgotten or sidelined, and would aid their supplication and increase their rejoicing. And the implication was that as they made their requests known to God, and worshipped and expressed their gratitude, they could be sure that He would hear them and respond. Furthermore, if we take Matthew 6 as our guide the emphasis is on supplication in respect of spiritual things (as in the Lord's prayer), for in Matthew 6:8; Matthew 6:31 Jesus made clear that, if our minds are set on His Kingly Rule, we can leave our need for physical things in the hands of our Heavenly Father without needing to ask because He is fully aware of what we really need (Matthew 6:31). Our great concern is rather to be one of asking for God's Name to be hallowed, for God's Kingly Rule over men's hearts to come, and for God's will to be done on earth as in Heaven, then everything else would be added to them.

Thus the emphasis here is on the fact that we do not have to be anxious about anything, because we know that having committed everything to Him, we can leave it all in the hands of our heavenly Father.

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