The People Again Respond Asserting Their Total Dependence on YHWH (Psalms 20:7).

Psalms 20:7

‘Some trust in chariots, and some in horses,

But we will make mention of the name of YHWH our God.'

The contrast is then made between them and their opponents, and indeed them and all the world. Whereas others trust in chariots and horses, and in all their other weaponry and worldly resources, God's people trust in the name of YHWH their God. That is, they believe in what He is as represented by His name. His name, and what He is, will be their battlecry and their boast. They need nothing else. Although they will arm themselves as adequately as they are able, they recognise that without Him they can do nothing. Faith, however, is no excuse for lack of effort. In the words of Cromwell, they trust in God and keep their powder dry.

Psalms 20:8

‘They are bowed down and fallen,

But we are risen, and stand upright.'

That they have made a sensible choice comes out in the fact that the chariots and horses will fail their enemies so that they will bow down and fall (seen as already accomplished). While through their confidence in the name of YHWH they know that they themselves will, after the battle, arise and stand upright.

Psalms 20:9

‘Save, YHWH.

Let the King answer us when we call.'

The Psalm ends with a firm plea to the covenant King. Let Him save, by answering them when they call. Alternately it may be a plea to YHWH to save, by means of their king responding when they call, but the former is more likely.

The general principle behind the Psalm can be applied to all God's people when they face trouble. They can call on God to help them through His Anointed Who is with them, and be certain of God's victory in whatever way He pleases to send it.

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