‘Deliver my soul from the sword, My darling from the power of the dog. Save me from the lion's mouth, yes, from the horns of the wild-oxen You have answered me.'

A victim of the sword of Rome, and the dogs of the Jerusalem Sanhedrin, He cries to be delivered from them both, as though from the mouth of lions, or from the horns of the wild ox. (In Numbers 24:8 it is Israel who are the lion and the wild ox). Once He had endured let God save Him and deliver Him. And He was confident that it would be so, for He could finally declare, ‘You have answered Me'. And thus on the note of final deliverance the Psalm leads on into the aftermath.

The Resurrection.

Following the cross will come the resurrection, and resulting from the resurrection will come His testimony to His ‘brothers', who will be brought to fear the Lord and glorify Him. The poor and humble will find joy in His Kingly Rule, while the nations worldwide will turn to God and worship Him.

22. 22 ‘I will declare Your name to my brothers. In the midst of the gathering will I praise You.'

He assures His Father that He will make Him fully known (will make ‘His name', the essence of what He is, known) to ‘His brothers', to those who gather together in His Name. This verse is cited in Hebrews 2:12 in a context where He is also described as the wagon boss of their faith. He will go forward together with His brothers, encouraging them to worship God, and He will be ever among them (Matthew 18:20). Compare, ‘lo I am with you always' (Matthew 28:20).

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