And now shall my head be lifted up,

Above my enemies round about me.

And I will offer in his tabernacle,

Sacrifices of joy.

His confidence in YHWH's protection gives him the further confidence of triumph. He knows that because God is on his side his enemies will stand no chance against him, for God will lift up his head above theirs. And the result will be that he will be offering ‘sacrifices of joy' (thanksgiving offerings offered in rejoicing as a result of victory) within the Tabernacle, God's Dwellingplace. He will not overlook what he owes to God, but will express his gratitude with a joyous heart. The thought may includes the shouts of joy and clashing of cymbals often accompanying worship at the Tabernacle (Psalms 33:3; Psalms 47:1; Psalms 47:5; Psalms 95:1; 2 Samuel 6:15).

I will sing, yes, I will sing praises to YHWH.

The section ends with a change of metre, as he concludes it with words of praise to YHWH (compare the similar situation in Psalms 27:14). Note the dual emphasis on his singing. ‘I will sing, yes, I will sing.' But the questions is, what will he sing? And the answer is that he will sing praises to YHWH. His heart will be full of joy in Him. (Again compare the repetition in Psalms 27:14, but there it is of waiting on YHWH as befits the change of tone)

From this point on the metre deliberately becomes less definite in order to indicate the situation in which he finds himself. The smoothness of his experience with God now gives way to the hurly-burly of life. What follows is not a new Psalm but a descending from the high point of worship to face up to the realities that lie before him. For a while he had been able to forget his troubles but now they come home to him with a vengeance. It is not an unusual situation for a believer who is confident in God and yet aware of great troubles ahead.

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