This Psalm commences with an earnest appeal, and finishes in the triumphant knowledge of God's salvation and watch over both the Psalmist himself, and His people.

We should note that as in Psalms 26:4 the Psalmist is again concerned with the company he keeps (Psalms 28:3). This should act as a warning to us that if we would keep company with the Lord we cannot also keep company with those who oppose Him. For God will take note of the comany that we keep.

The Psalm splits neatly into four.

1). The Psalmist earnestly calls on God to hear his prayer (1-3).  2). He prays that he might not be counted among those who go astray after their own ways (3-5).  3). He rejoices because he knows that YHWH has heard him and will be his strength (Psalms 28:6)  4). He finally rejoices because he knows that YHWH will also be the protector of all His people (Psalms 28:8).


‘A Psalm of David.'

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