He Declares That The Man Who Does So Trust In YHWH, And Lives Accordingly, Will Experience God's Wonderful Working On His Behalf (Psalms 40:4).

Psalms 40:4

‘Blessed is the man who makes YHWH his trust,

And respects not the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies.

Many, O YHWH my God, are the wonderful works which you have done,

And your thoughts which are to us-ward,

They cannot be set in order to you,

If I would declare and speak of them,

They are more than can be numbered.'

David now outlines the blessedness of those who do so trust in God, and thus turn from all sinful ways. They do not listen to those proud men who in their pride ignore God and would lead them astray, nor do they listen to those who would lead them into dishonesty and deceit, for God has made their thoughts pure.

For such people God performs many wonderful things, and His thoughts and purposes are continually loving towards them. Indeed what He will do for them is so vast and so manifold that it cannot be tabulated or numbered. It is more than can possibly be sorted out into some sort of sequences in order that it can be described. For one thing multiplies and tumbles over on another, and then another, so that His actions towards them are beyond listing or counting.

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