The Psalmists Description Of The Whisperers (64-5-6).

Here we have a description of ‘things done by them in secret' (Ephesians 5:12). They carefully prepare an evil scheme, seeking to ensure that it is strong enough for the purpose. They discuss together, laying secret snares to trap the unwary and undiscerning. They are confident that no one will know what they are doing. No one will take note. They are constantly on the look for weaknesses in David's position, and search them out thoroughly. And they are all deep schemers. All is a carefully planned attempt to undermine David's authority and position. They have left no stone unturned in their attempt to do so. Those who follow God wholly are often subject to such attacks.

Psalms 64:5

‘They make strong for themselves (carefully prepare) an evil scheme,

They commune together of laying snares secretly,

They say, “Who will take note of them?”

They search out iniquities,

“We have accomplished,” (they say), “a diligent search,”

And the inward thought and the heart of each one is deep.'

‘They make strong for themselves (carefully prepare and ensure the strength of) an evil scheme.' Theirs is no off-the-cuff reaction. It is deep seated and determined. They want to bring David down from his exalted position. And they secretly scheme accordingly.

‘They commune together of laying snares secretly.' They discuss together ways in which they can win over the mass of the people by their schemes. They lay traps for them so that they will be deceived by them. They possibly also invent schemes by which David can be made to look foolish and incapable and uncaring. In the days of Absalom he had become careless of the sensitivities of the people. In the days of Saul he had not watched his back, trusting his compatriots.

‘They say, “Who will take note of them?” They are confident that they are unobserved as they go about their schemes. They forget that God knows them through and through, and is aware of all that they are doing. In a way they are unconsciously challenging God.

‘They search out iniquities.' This either means that they had sought to obtain details of all the ways in which David has failed, or that they search out different ways of carrying forward their evil.

Their claim is that “We have accomplished a diligent search.” They are either proud of their ability to sink to the depths of iniquity (they are ‘workers of iniquity' - Psalms 64:2), or alternatively have researched in depths David's failures and his coming short in his responsibilities, ignoring, of course, his successes.

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